Tag:Romanian Centre for Russian Studies

Call for Papers: The IIIrd Annual Conference of the Romanian Centre for Russian Studies: War in Ukraine. What Does the Future of Central and...

Call for Papers The Romanian Centre for Russian Studies (University of Bucharest) The Fridtjof Nansen Institute (Oslo) The Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (Vienna) are...

International Conference “20 Months After the Russian Invasion in Ukraine. What Has Been Done, What Needs to Be Done in the Near Future, What...

PROGRAM (Download) Press Release link (in Romanian) Media Coverage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEYYGLVzrcs Within the International Conference of the Romanian Centre for Russian Studies of the University of Bucharest, a Round...

International Conference: “20 Months After the Russian Invasion in Ukraine. What Has Been Done, What Needs to Be Done in the Near Future, What...

November 9th-11th 2023 You are welcome to attend online. Please note this is an academic event primarily for students and emerging researchers, experts and academics. Access...

Workshop: Russia, Romania and Norway: Changing Constellations and Perspectives

Russia, Romania and Norway: Changing Constellations and Perspectives Workshop organized by the Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway and Romanian Centre for Russian Studies, University of Bucharest This workshop...

International Conference “Geopolitical Challenges of the Russian-Ukrainian War, from the Black Sea to the Arctic Ocean” – Media Coverage

PROGRAM (Download) Comunicat-presa-Conferinta-CRSR-3-5-noiembrie-2022Download Mihai-Răzvan Ungureanu, Project Director: Peste 40 de prezenţe europene - inteligenţe cunoscătoare ale situaţiei din Ucraina -, experţi şi membri ai corpului academic familiarizaţi...

International Conference: Geopolitical Challenges of the Russian-Ukrainian War, from the Black Sea to the Arctic Ocean

November, 3rd-5th, 2022 You are welcome to attend online. Please note this is an academic event primarily for students and emerging researchers, experts and academics. Access...

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Call for Papers: The IIIrd Annual Conference of the Romanian Centre for Russian Studies: War in Ukraine. What Does the Future of Central and...

Call for Papers The Romanian Centre for Russian Studies (University of Bucharest) The Fridtjof Nansen Institute (Oslo) The Institute for the Danube...

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